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Leannan Wolfgang - Live Performer


Heart is the key to music, something my mother taught me from the womb, and that I still believe wholeheartedly in.


I was raised in a RL musical home where my mother was a former lounge singer; money might have been tight but the music was always rich. I teethed (literally) on Journey, and fell in love with bands such as Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, Bread, Rush, Black Sabbath... and grew up to broaden her genres to include Metallica, Evanescence, Heart, Katy Perry, Alanis Morrisette, Pink, and so much more.


I am not classically trained, but I was coached from early childhood to always sing with my heart... Isn't that what matters? 


I sing in Second Life, InWorldz, and planning on beginning a singing career in Virtual Paradise.  




SL: message Sufferingfrom Lockjaw

IW: message Leannan Wolfgang

VP: message Leannan Wolfgang


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